
28 years old French Software Engineer.


I am currently a Software Engineer at Playr in Paris, working on their Mojjo product.

I work mostly on the improvement and optimization of their C++ code base implementing computer vision algorithms to analyze Tennis and Padel matches.

Teaching assistant

At EPITA (a French computer engineering school), in addition to my GISTRE major (focused on the knowledge of systems and software platforms applied to embedded and real time projects), I was part of a team of 39 teaching assistants. We were a group of 5th year students teaching C, C++, Java, Unix, Bash to 3rd year students. We were responsible for writing all the projects and practicals they had to do and help them when they needed it. Among other things, I was responsible for the Tiger Project, working in collaboration with the the teacher-researchers of the LRDE (Laboratory of Research and Development of EPITA), designed to help students learn C++ by implementing a compiler for Andrew Appel's language.

Self hosting

On my spare time, I love to tinker with some computer hardware and software. I also hate to be dependant on some big tech companies to handle my data to use their services, most of which I can host myself. So naturally, I find myself self hosting at home a bunch of useful services for me and my family. Picking up this hobby was a good way to learn a lot of things on my own about Linux Sysadmin, Docker and Networking.

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